V9286 Misses' Tops, Straight Skirt, and Pants

SKU: V9286ZZ0


We currently have 10 in stock

A: Very loose fitting pullover top has dropped shoulder and sleeves gathered into cuff. B: Very loose fitting top has front button closure, dropped shoulder and sleeves gathered into cuff. C: Close fitting pullover top. Fitted skirt and pants below waist, have back invisible zipper and narrow waist binding. Pants have side-back panel and topstitching.

Fabrics: Medium Weight Woolens, Crepe, Double Knit. C: Two-way Stretch Knits.
Unsuitable for obvious diagonals.
*With Nap. **Without Nap.
Note: Fabric requirement allows for nap, one-way design or shading. Extra fabric may be needed to match design or for shrinkage.

Designer: American Hostess

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