M7615 Misses' Ballet Costumes with Fitted, Boned Bodice and Skirt and Sleeve Variations

SKU: M7615A50


We currently have 9 in stock

Ballet costumes have fitted, boned, underlined bodice with hook and loop fastener at back closing. Views A, B, and C have gathered skirts with length variations. Views D and E have lower yokes, gathered skirts and attached panties with elastic in leg casings. View A: elastic shoulder straps and sleeves with elastic in casings. View B: ruffled sleeves with elastic in shoulder casings. View C: sleeves with elastic in shoulder and lower casings and purchased cord trim. View D: sleeves with elastic in shoulder and lower casings, ribbon bow and purchased cord trim. View E: elastic shoulder straps.

Fabrics: A, B, C, D, E: Satin/ Sateen, Taffeta, Velveteen. Contrast 1: Cotton/Cotton Blends. Contrast 2: Netting, Tulle.


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