B6527 Misses' Cascade-Collar Knit Jacket (Size: XS-S-M)

SKU: B65270Y0

$9.97 $19.95

We currently have 1 in stock

Close-fitting jacket has front that extends into collar. B: Contrast front. C: Contrast underlay. D: Contrast bands. For moderate stretch knits only.

Fabrics: For Moderate Stretch Knit (35% Cross Grain): Jersey, Cotton Knit, Rayon Knit, Novelty Knit. Contrast B, C: Georgette, Crepe De Chine, Silk.
Unsuitable for obvious diagonals.

Note: Fabric requirement allows for nap, one-way design or shading. Extra fabric may be needed to match design or for shrinkage. Designer:

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