B6397 Misses' Hats in Four Styles (Size: One Size Only)



We currently have 29 in stock

Hats A, B, C come in size XS, S, M and L. Beret A has contrast decorative knot. Pillbox B has contrast bow and binding. Hat C has contrast bow and drape. Hat D has brim stand and contrast under-brim. All views are lined and have purchased embellishments.

Fabrics: A, C: Satin, Silk. B, D, Contrast C: Velvet/Velveteen. Contrast 1D: Tulle. Also B: Short Pile Fake Fur. Lining: Lining Fabric, Silk Taffeta. Interfacing A, 2C: Sew-In Interfacing. B, 1C, D: Buckram.
Unsuitable for obvious diagonals. Designer: Making History Nancy Farris-Thee

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