M7569 Misses' Column and Mermaid-Style Dresses with Bodice and Sleeve Variations (size: 14-16-18-20-22)

SKU: M7569E50


We currently have 10 in stock

Dresses have close fitting bodice with halter or sleeved options. Close fitting skirt is straight with length variations or with mermaid flounce. Create your own design with mix and match pattern pieces.

Fabrics: Moderate Stretch Knits (35% Cross Grain): Jerseys, Novelty Knit, Metallic Knit, Stretch Lace. Underlining: Jerseys, Tricot.
Note: Fabric requirement allows for nap, one-way design or shading. Extra fabric may be needed to match design or for shrinkage.

Designer: Create It!

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